Reclaiming the Spirit of Samhain – Dreamtime of the Old Irish Year
A Woman Spirit Ireland Study Day – Saturday October 20th 2018
One can, by performing the four pilgrimages, at the a priorist times, put oneself into harmony and empathy with the life of nature as personified in the life-cycle of the goddess. At a period of history in which we face an acute ecological crisis, it is a first step to recovering a lost link to the earth and the mysterious, life-giving cycle of the seasons.” Seán Ó Duinn
Aim of event: To reclaim the Spirit of Halloween from the clutches of commercialism, as well as from other destructive forces which can run riot at this time of year, and to offer resources to parents, teachers, community activists, artists, dramatists, poets etc., reflecting on the ancient spirit of Samhain as a major turning point of the Old Irish Year.
Proposed Programme: Our programme included Stories of the Grandmothers (Wise Women of Old Ireland — living and dead); reflecting on Images and Symbols of the Cailleach and recuperating her from the negative images portrayed in commercial venues; exploring the multiple symbolism and artefacts associated with Samhain; ritual, poetry and dance reflecting on the darkness of the year, and preparing to enter into Dreamtime or hibernation (in whatever form it takes) for the period between Samhain and Imbolc.
Resource Person: Emer Cloherty: Emer is an Elder of Old Irish native spirituality, who was brought up in the tradition and trained since childhood in the art of remembering. Emer offers invaluable information and perspectives on our almost forgotten rituals and practices, and at this event for Samhain she offered rich resources to those envisioning Irish Spirituality anew.
Mary Condren: Director Woman Spirit Ireland, author of “The Serpent and the Goddess, Women, Religion and Power in Celtic Ireland, and currently researching the ancient roots of Brigit and her connection to the Cailleach of Old Ireland (and beyond).
Venue: October 20th 2018 at the Kilnamanagh Family Recreation Centre, Greenhills Road, Dublin 24
Registration: Fee €40 Concessions €20
Time: 14:00 – 20:00
Followed by potluck supper.